Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Semester 2

Despite the inherent flaws in the semester system in terms of student learning, it is nice to have a little restart and refresh mid-year. I'm looking forward to meeting my new students, seeing those I've taught before and working with my new colleagues. With the new semester comes many challenges and opportunities. As I was waiting for the copier to finish my course outlines (A piece of paper that the students quickly shuffle away in their binder never to be seen again), I decided to quickly jot down my semester goals. Here they are:

1. Blog daily - It has been a grand total of one day, but I've clearly attained this goal :>

2. Use my SMART Board in each lesson. The note below this goal reads, "as more than a projection screen." Ideally, I'd like to see a situation where we have some students interacting with the board on a regular basis. One idea that came up yesterday during a Professional Development seminar was the elementary technique of using the SMART board as one of several work/resource stations. I hope to explore this idea further.

3. Use larger summative assessment and assignments to increase my use of Feedback Loops and to make learning as visible as possible to my students. Yes, there is the reality of diploma testing, especially for my grade 12 Social Studies 30-2 class, but even in this there is an opportunity to use some peer editing and student self-assessment with rubrics to enhance learning. A step in this direction I hope to expand on is the students making their own Canadian Heritage Minutes.

The one thing missing from this list are my personal professional and wellness goals. Naturally, the personal will have to wait for a later time. In truth, I just want to leave something to be able to talk about tomorrow.

Tomorrow - Personal and professional goals.

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