Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31, 2011 - Another year begins

This is my 11th year of teaching and my 6th year at Forest Lawn High School.  This will be my 10th school start up, days that are filled with anxiety, unease, feigned illness, and lost people wandering hallways.  And I'm only speaking of the teachers at this point.  The experience for both the teacher and the student is markedly similar as a new school year approaches.  Both are excited to see friends after months away, yet both are anxious about the activities of their peers.  Both have made personal commitments to make changes over the previous school year, yet many will fall into habitual behaviours.  While students often take the summer to renovate their identity and look, teachers also attempt the same in their own professional and personal development.  So, all that said, here are the top ten things to remember as the school year begins.
10.  Hallway walking rules are the same as the road.  Keep right except to pass.
9.  Even though they will be obsolete in a generation, it is still necessary to bring your book to class.
8.  If your earbuds are in your ears, almost all adults, including teachers will assume you are not paying attention. 
7. Swearing has a time and place. 8:00 in the morning at school is not it.
6.  Wash your hands after every class.
5.  Record due dates and complete assignments.
4.  Ask questions.  It makes the time pass.
3.  Eat Breakfast! (Note: no where is a slurpee considered breakfast)
2.  Plan your route's between classes.  (Note: If you are dating and need to walk with this person to class, consider joint timetables.
1.  Don't be late.  Promptness is a valued personal trait.

Have a great school year.

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