Monday, December 10, 2012

Read Read Read

Read.  We are spending the first 20 minutes of each class reading.  Anything they want.  As a parent of young children, I really appreciate the opportunity to engage my mind in a thoughtful and provocative way for even this limited amount of time.  The students on the other hand are having less success.  It's compelling to see the way academic success is directly tied to literacy.  Even to see their engagement in class following a term of silent reading is fascinating.  There is a clear link between the student getting his or her synapses firing and engagement or success in that same class. 
There seems to be a move afoot to revolutionize high school education in terms of even curriculum matters.  The consensus of research seems to be that students experience the most success when their learning is individualized.  That is to say that the learning needs of the individual student may not be uniform.   Literacy and Numeracy are the two main skills required by students in the 21st century.  This is reinforced every day during our reading period.  Below you can find a link to the Alberta Assessment Consortium with some ideas and research related to this changing world of education.

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