Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Day of Government E-mails

As some of you probably saw, my blog yesterday contained a copy of a letter sent to all teachers in Alberta by the Minister of Education, Jeff Johnson.  This was not the only government email I received yesterday.  My direct employer, the Calgary Board of Education released their budget expectations based on the funding provided in the Provincial Budget.  Their conclusions?  That for the fourth consecutive year their is a funding gap between provincial allocation and the amount required just to maintain current conditions.  This year the total is 31 million dollars.  If taken solely from staffing, we are looking at over 400 front line workers that are working this year, not working with students next year.  All the while, enrollment in CBE schools is increasing every year.  In summary, there are more students, and fewer resources available to educate these students.  
It is impossible to deal with these two messages in isolation.  At the same time the minister of education is asking for support and buy-in for a revamp and re imagining of the education system and curriculum for the 21st century, funding is significantly lacking.  It is clear that as the second largest part of the provincial government (after health care), there is a need to control spending.  However, it is highly unlikely that education in Alberta will able to achieve the minister's own stated goal: 

"The education system of the future - the system in which we are building on - will be cutting-edge, dynamic and student-centred. The ethical citizens, engaged thinkers and entrepreneurial spirits of Inspiring Education will help shepherd Alberta further into the 21st century and will ensure our children are among the world’s best prepared to compete in a global economy."

Bold and powerful words, but will the minister and the government have the will to fund the system appropriately and sustainably?

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